Webrelaunch 2020


Referierte Zeitschriftenartikel / Articles in journals

Bastian, K. Birken, K. Johannsen, S. Lang, N. Neuss, H. Rentz-Reichert: UG -- a flexible software toolbox for solving partial differential equations. Comp. Vis. Sci. 1, pp. 27-40 (1997).

N. Neuss: V-Cycle convergence with unsymmetric smoothers and application to an anisotropic model problem. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 35,3, pp. 1201-1212 (1998).

N. Neuss, W. Jäger, G. Wittum: Homogenization and multigrid Computing 66 (1), pp. 1-26 (2001).

W. Jäger, A. Mikelic, N. Neuss: Asymptotic Analysis of the Laminar Viscous Flow Over a Porous Bed. SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 22,6, pp. 2006-2028 (2001).

N. Neuss: A New Sparse Matrix Storage Method for Adaptive Solving of Large Systems of Reaction-Diffusion-Transport Equations. Computing 68,1, pp. 19-36 (2002).

S. Attinger, J. Eberhard, N. Neuss: Filtering procedures for flow in heterogeneous porous media: numerical results. Comp. Vis. Sci. 5, pp. 67-72 (2002).

N. Neuss, C. Wieners: Criteria for the approximation property for multigrid methods in nonnested spaces. Math. Comp. 73, pp. 1583-1600 (2004).

N. Neuss, M. Neuss-Radu, A. Mikelic: Effective Laws for the Poisson Equation on Domains with Curved Oscillating Boundaries. Appl. Anal. 85, pp. 479-502, 2006.

Referierte Proceedingsbeiträge / refereed proceedings contributions

N. Neuss: A new sparse matrix storage method for adaptive solving of large systems of reaction-diffusion-transport equations. In "Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II", pp. 175-182; Editors: Keil, Mackens, Voss, Werther; Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York

S. Hoeg, W. Jäger, N. Neuss, H. F. Schöler, J. Warnatz: Detailed modeling of soil vapor extraction systems. Computational Methods in Water Resources, 137-143 (2000).

N. Neuss: On using Common Lisp in Scientific Computing. "Proceedings of the CISC Conference 2002", Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag (2003).

Beiträge in Büchern / Book contributions

S. Paxion, R. Baron, A. Gordner, N. Neuss, P. Bastian, D. Thevenin, G. Wittum: Development of a parallel unstructured multigrid solver for laminar flame simulations with detailed chemistry and transport. In E. H. Hirschel (editor): "Numerical Flow Simulation II", vol. 75 of "Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics", pp. 181-198. Springer-Verlag (2001).

N. Neuss: Numerical methods for multiscale problems. In "32nd CFD-Course -- Multiscale Methods", VKI Lecture Series, von Karman Institut, Brussels (2002).

N. Neuss: Multiscale preconditioning. Oberwolfach report 20 (2005).

N. Neuss: High-accuracy approximation of effective coefficients. Abschlußbericht SFB 359 (2005).

Technische Berichte / Technical reports

N. Neuss: Femlisp--a tool box for solving partial differential equations with finite elements and multigrid. SFB/IWR-Preprint 2003-11.

Akademische Arbeiten / Academic works

Diplomarbeit (diploma thesis): Ein Liouville-Satz für statische Yang-Mills-Felder und harmonische Abbildungen endlicher Energie (Heidelberg, 1991).

Dissertation (PhD thesis): Homogenisierung und Mehrgitter (Heidelberg, 1995).

Habilitationsschrift (habilitation thesis): Schnelle Berechnung effektiver Konstanten mit einer interaktiven Finite-Elemente Umgebung (Heidelberg, 2003)

Vorlesungsskripten / Lecture notes

N. Neuss: KI-Programmierung in Common Lisp (2003)

N. Neuss: Numerische lineare Algebra (2004)

P. Bastian, N. Neuss: Informatik 1: Programmieren und Softwaretechnik (2006)

N. Neuss: Struktur und Interpretation von Computerprogrammen (2008)

N. Neuss: Numerische Mathematik für die Fachrichtungen Informatik und Ingenieurwesen (2008)