Problem Sets
- Set 1
- Set 2
- Set 3
- Set 4 (In eq. (1), an index h is missing. Problem 3 is supposed to say "...die Konvergenzordnungen, die mit den folgenden Zahlenfolgen assoziiert sind.")
- Set 5
- Set 6 - Supplementary Material - Solutions
- Set 7
- Set 8 (Previous versions of this set were missing the verb "ersetzt" at the end of the second-to-last sentence of Problem 3.) - Computations(*): Problem 1 - Problem 2 - Problem 4
- Set 9
- Set 10
- Set 11
(*) These computational routines are written in the language of Axiom, an open-source computer algebra system. To try them out, start axiom and type
)read u8-1.input
(mind the opening parenthesis at the beginning; substitute the filename for what you want to run) and watch as the computation is performed, referring to the source code for the meaning of the intermediate results.