Webrelaunch 2020

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation (Wintersemester 2014/15)

  • Dozent*in: PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter
  • Veranstaltungen: Vorlesung (0109400), Übung (0109500)
  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2+1

The general aim of this lecture course is threefold:

1) to interconnect different mathematical fields
2) to connect mathematics and real life problems
3) to learn to be critical and to ask relevant questions.

Vorlesung: Freitag 9:45-11:15 1C-03
Freitag 9:45-11:15 SR 3.61
Übung: Mittwoch 11:30-13:00 SR 3.61 Beginn: 29.10.2014
Mittwoch 11:30-13:00 Z 1

We deal with topics such as

  • Game theory
  • Oscillation
  • Population Models
  • Simulation of traffic
  • Wiener processes
  • Chaotic behavior
  • Heat conduction process
  • Fluids and flow

There are no special prerequisites.

During the lecture course there will be one lecture of a person from industry.


To earn the credits you have to attend the lecture and finish the work on one project during the term in a group of 2-3 persons. The topic of the project is up to the choice of each group.


Hans-Joachim Bungartz e.a.: Modeling and Simulation: An Application-Oriented Introduction,
Springer, 2013 (English)