Webrelaunch 2020

Project-oriented Software Lab (Summer Semester 2013)

Course Description

Turbulente Strömung


The main task of this software lab is to engage deeply with applications related (but not limited) to fluid mechanics. Thus, the modeling, the numerical simulation with Finite Element (FE) software and the presentation and interpretation of the results have to be accomplished. The lab is open to problems, suggested by the students, which are modeled with partial differential equations.


After successfully completing this software training, students have made basic experience with numerical simulation and validation of results.


This course is open to students from all disciplines. For further information on the prerequisites, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Presentations of the second project will again take place in the Röser-Haus, seminar room 481 (4th floor) on Friday, July 12, 2013, only.
  • The presentation session on Tuesday, July 09, 2013 has been cancelled. Instead, there will be a regular (optional) session on that day.
  • The Q&A session has been rescheduled and will take place on Friday, June 14, 2013.
  • Presentations of the first project will take place in the Röser-Haus, seminar room 481 (4th floor).
  • From now on (Tue. April 23 2013), we will meet in front of room A.U.10 by default.
  • Concerning the second session (Fri. April 19 2013): We meet at the reception of the Technologiefabrik and go to a yet unknown seminar room. So again, please be punctual.
  • Concerning the first session (Tue. April 16 2013): After meeting in room A.U.10 and checking the attendance list, we will depart for seminar room B2-316.4, so please be punctual.
  • Registration period is over. If you have completed the registration and have not yet received a confirmation email, please contact us.


A compilation of tutorials is available on the HiFlow³ homepage.

This course has not been evaluated because of the insufficient number of participants.

Laboratory: Tuesday 9:45-11:15 Technologiefabrik Raum A.U.10 Begin: 16.4.2013, End: 19.7.2013
Friday 9:45-11:15 Technologiefabrik Raum A.U.10
Supervisor PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter
Office hours: by appointment
Room 3.023 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: gudrun.thaeter@kit.edu
Supervisor Dipl.-Math. techn. Eva Ketelaer
Office hours:
Room 384 Röserhaus (01.86)
Email: Eva.Ketelaer@kit.edu
Supervisor Dr. Leonid Chaichenets
Office hours: on appointment
Room 3.021 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: leonid.chaichenets@kit.edu


At the beginning of the course an introduction to the Finite Element Method and the software used is given. Participants then start working in groups on an introductory problem, which should be finished within four weeks. Subsequently, they work for six weeks on a more advanced one. For each problem a short presentation is expected to be held. For the second project a scientific report has to be handed in.

Mandatory Sessions
Date Occasion
Tues. 16 April introductory session
Fri. 19 April introductory session
Tues. 23 April team building, start of the first project
Fri. 24 May first project presentations
Fri. 14 June Q&A session
Fri. 12 July second project presentations
Fri. 19 July second project report handing in (deadline)


A Certificate of Participation (“Praktikumsschein“) can be acquired for this course. A successful candidate is required to

  • register for the course,
  • attend all mandatory sessions,
  • successfully present her first project,
  • successfully present her second project and finally
  • hand in a written scientific report (approx. 12 pages) of her second project.

If your degree programme requires a different kind of certificate, e.g. written or oral examination, please do no hesitate to contact us.


German literature is referenced on the german version of this page.