Numerics of PDEs
Name | Tel. | |
JProf. Dr. Roland Maier | +49 721 608 46954 | |
Dipl.-Math. Felix Krumbiegel | +49 721 608 42683 | |
M.Sc. Dustin Mühlhäuser | +49 721 608 45839 | |
Semester | Titel | Type |
Analytical and Numerical Homogenization | Lecture | |
Summer Semester 2025 | Selected Topics on Finite Elements | Seminar |
Winter Semester 2024/25 | Finite Element Methods | Lecture |
Summer Semester 2024 | Numerical Analysis of Neural Networks | Lecture |
Functions of Matrices | Lecture | |
Winter Semester 2023/24 | Bildverarbeitung mit Methoden der numerischen linearen Algebra | Lecture |
Analytical and Numerical Homogenization | Lecture | |
Ringvorlesung Wavephenomena | Lecture |