Webrelaunch 2020

Advanced Mathematics I (German) for ciw/biw/vt/mach/mage (Winter Semester 2007/08)

  • Lecturer: PD Dr. Frank Hettlich
  • Classes: Lecture (1310), Problem class (1311)
  • Weekly hours: 4+2
  • Audience: Mechanical Engineering, civil engineering (1. semester)

Please switch to the German language to see informations about the lectures and exercises taught in German. For the English classes please follow this link to the lectures of Advanced Mathematics I (ID).

Lecture: Monday 11:30-13:00 Forum-Hörsaal AudiMax Begin: 25.10.2005, End: 14.2.2008
Tuesday 11:30-13:00 Forum-Hörsaal AudiMax
Problem class: Thursday 15:45-17:15 Forum-Hörsaal AudiMax Begin: 30.10.2007, End: 14.2.2008
Lecturer PD Dr. Frank Hettlich
Office hours: Wednesday 10:30am - 12am and on appointment
Room 1.042 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: frank.hettlich@kit.edu
Problem classes Dr. Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Dr.
Office hours:
Room Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Problem classes Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ritterbusch
Office hours: nach Absprache
Room Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: sebastian.ritterbusch@partner.kit.edu

For detailed information regarding this course please check the German page.

For information regarding the lectures for the international department see here.