Webrelaunch 2020

Advanced Mathematics II (German Class) (Summer Semester 2008)

  • Lecturer: PD Dr. Tilo Arens
  • Classes: Lecture (1808), Problem class (1809)
  • Weekly hours: 4+2
  • Audience: CIW/BIW/MACH/MAGE/VT (2. semester)

This lecture is obligatory for students from the Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering departments for the Vordiplom examination

Lecture: Monday 9:45-11:15 Forum-Hörsaal AudiMax
Thursday 8:00-9:30 Forum-Hörsaal AudiMax
Problem class: Tuesday 8:00-9:30 Forum-Hörsaal AudiMax
Lecturer PD Dr. Tilo Arens
Office hours: Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Uhr
Room 1.047 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: tilo.arens@kit.edu
Problem classes Dr. Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Dr.
Office hours:
Room Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Problem classes Slavyana Geninska
Office hours:
Room Allianz-Gebäude (05.20)
Email: geninska ""@"" math.univ-toulouse.fr

This is the lecture Advanced Mathematics II for the German students- if you are looking for the English course, please look at Advanced Mathematics II.