M.Sc. Oleksandr Bondarenko
- Dienstags von 15 bis 16 Uhr oder nach Absprache
- Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
- 1.049
- +49 721 608 46611
- bondarenko@kit.edu
I just finished my PhD in mathematics under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Kirsch. Here is a link to my CV.
My main research interest lies in the area of inverse scattering. In my PhD thesis I studied an inverse problem arising from electromagnetic scattering by a medium covered with a very thin and highly conducting layer. Please see my research statement for more details.
Research interests: PDE, Ill-posed Problems, Inverse Scattering, Perturbation Theory.
Teaching: Inverse Problems, Integral Equations, Scattering Theory, Introduction into Maxwell's Equations, Advanced Mathematics II/III.
- 1. O. Bondarenko, I. Harris, A. Kleefeld, Existence of an Infinite Set of Transmission Eigenvalues for a Problem with Conductive Boundary Conditions. Applicable Analysis. (2016) (submitted)
- 2. O. Bondarenko, A. Kirsch, The Factorization Method for Inverse Scattering by a Penetrable Anisotropic Obstacle with Conductive Transmission Conditions. Inverse Problems. (2015) (submitted)
- 3. O. Bondarenko, A. Kirsch, X. Liu, The Factorization Method for Inverse Obstacle Scattering with Conductive Boundary Conditions. Inverse Problems (2013), 29/9.
- 4. O. Bondarenko, A. Kirsch, X. Liu, The Factorization Method for Inverse Acoustic Scattering in a Layered Medium. Inverse Problems (2013), 29/4.
Ph. D. Thesis: The Factorization Method for Conducting Transmission Conditions.
Master's Thesis: Optimal Control for an Impedance Boundary Value Problem.