Webrelaunch 2020
Photo of Oleksandr Bondarenko

M.Sc. Oleksandr Bondarenko

I just finished my PhD in mathematics under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Kirsch. Here is a link to my CV.

My main research interest lies in the area of inverse scattering. In my PhD thesis I studied an inverse problem arising from electromagnetic scattering by a medium covered with a very thin and highly conducting layer. Please see my research statement for more details.

Research interests: PDE, Ill-posed Problems, Inverse Scattering, Perturbation Theory.

Teaching: Inverse Problems, Integral Equations, Scattering Theory, Introduction into Maxwell's Equations, Advanced Mathematics II/III.


1. O. Bondarenko, I. Harris, A. Kleefeld, Existence of an Infinite Set of Transmission Eigenvalues for a Problem with Conductive Boundary Conditions. Applicable Analysis. (2016) (submitted)

2. O. Bondarenko, A. Kirsch, The Factorization Method for Inverse Scattering by a Penetrable Anisotropic Obstacle with Conductive Transmission Conditions. Inverse Problems. (2015) (submitted)

3. O. Bondarenko, A. Kirsch, X. Liu, The Factorization Method for Inverse Obstacle Scattering with Conductive Boundary Conditions. Inverse Problems (2013), 29/9.

4. O. Bondarenko, A. Kirsch, X. Liu, The Factorization Method for Inverse Acoustic Scattering in a Layered Medium. Inverse Problems (2013), 29/4.

Ph. D. Thesis: The Factorization Method for Conducting Transmission Conditions.

Master's Thesis: Optimal Control for an Impedance Boundary Value Problem.