Webrelaunch 2020

Stochastic Geometry (Summer Semester 2022)

Lecture: Thursday 14:00-15:30 20.30 SR 2.67
Monday 14:00-15:30 20.30 SR 2.67
Problem class: Friday 11:30-13:00 20.30 SR 2.58
Lecturer PD Dr. Steffen Winter
Office hours: Please contact me by email.
Room 2.049 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: steffen.winter@kit.edu
Problem classes Dr. Steffen Betsch
Office hours:
Room Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)

The course is part of the International Master's programme and will be offered in English this term.

For some motivation of the topics of the course please visit the intro.

All further information and material will be provided in the ILIAS workspace of the course.