Webrelaunch 2020

Workshop: New trends in point process theory

28 February - 2 March 2022

The first topic of the workshop are Gibbs point processes.
Recent years have seen some progress on phase transition of such processes, and even huge progress in their distributional analysis (decorrelation, central limit theorems, extreme value theory).
The second topic of the workshop is hyperuniformity, an amazing property of lattice-like but yet random systems. The workshop will deal in particular with characterization of hyperuniformity, rigidity and examples.

The workshop is supported by the DFG Priority Programme Random Geometric Systems.


The scientific programme will start on Monday, Feb 28 in the morning and end on Wednesday, Mar 02 around noon. See here for a progamme overview.
The detailed programme (including abstracts of the talks) is also available now: booklet.pdf


Steffen BetschKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
Alexey Bufetov University of Leipzig
Mikhail Chebunin Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Emil Dare Aarhus University
Diala Hawat Université de Lille
Christian Hirsch Aarhus University
Martin Huesmann University of Münster
Daniel Hug Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Benedikt Jahnel WIAS Berlin
Sabine Jansen LMU Munich
Leonid Kolesnikov LMU Munich
Tobias Kuna University of L'Aquila
Raphael Lachieze-Rey University Paris Descartes
Günter Last Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Hartmut Löwen University of Düsseldorf
Franz Nestmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Moritz Otto University of Magdeburg
Dominik Pabst Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Babette Picker Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Matthias Schulte Hamburg University of Technology
Steffen Winter Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Rene Wittmann University of Düsseldorf
Alexander Zass WIAS Berlin

Technical Support

Tatjana Dominic


The organizers have booked rooms in the guesthouse:

and in a nearby hotel