Publications and Preprints
- J. Kampf, G. Last and I. Molchanov (2011): On the convex hull of symmetric stable processes. To appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. An older, less general, version is available via arXiv:1004.1534v1
- G. Last and M. Penrose (2010): Percolation and limit theory for the Poisson lilypond model. arXiv:1008.0769v1
- K. A. Borovkov and G. Last (2010): On Rice's formula for stationary multivariate piecewise smooth processes. arXiv:1009.3885v1
- G.E. Schröder-Turk, W. Mickel, S.C. Kapfer, F.M. Schaller, B. Breidenbach, D. Hug, K. Mecke (2010): Minkowski tensors of anisotropic spatial structure. arXiv:1009.2340v1
- S.C. Kapfer, W. Mickel, K. Mecke, G. Schröder-Turk: Jammed spheres: Minkowski tensors reveal onset of local crystallinity Phys. Rev. E 85 (2012), 4 pages Preprint
- G.E. Schröder-Turk, W. Mickel, S.C. Kapfer, M.A. Klatt, F.M. Schaller, M.J.F. Hoffmann, N. Kleppmann, P. Armstrong, A. Inayat, D. Hug, M. Reichelsdorfer, W. Peukert, W. Schwieger, K. Mecke: Minkowski Tensor shape analysis of cellular, granular and porous structures. Advanced Materials, Special Issue: Hierarchical Structures Towards Functionality. 23 (2011), 2535–2553. Wiley
- D. Hug, R. Schneider: Faces with given directions in anisotropic Poisson hyperplane tessellations. Adv. Appl. Probab. 43 (2011), 308-321.
- D. Hug, R. Schneider: Faces in Poisson-Voronoi mosaics. Probab. Theory and Relat. Fields. 151 (2011), 125-151.
before 2011
- D. Hug, R. Schneider: Large faces in Poisson hyperplane mosaics. Ann. Probab. 38 (2010), 1320-1344.
- D. Hug, R. Schneider, R. Schuster: Integral geometry of tensor valuations. Adv. Appl. Math. 41 (2008), 482-509.
- D. Hug, R. Schneider, R. Schuster: The space of isometry covariant tensor valuations. Algebra i Analiz and St. Petersburg Math. J. 19 (2008), 137-158.