Statistical Consulting
The STATRAT-team of the Institute of Stochastics offers qualified statistical consulting. The following ways of cooperation are possible:
- a brief talk
- commission of an expert opinion
- supplying of a student for the assistance
- common diploma thesis or PhD thesis
- research commission to the STATRAT-team
- common research project
You are kindly requested to contact us in an early phase of your investigations, if possible before collecting the data. This is important, since a better design of the experiment possibly could save money. In case that the data already exist, we need all information about the collection of the data. Important information for the first contact with us are a concise summary of your problem and, if it is possible for you, a rough estimate of the time effort. Please send us your (e-mail-)adress and/or your telephone-number.
The financial details are a matter of agreement.
Contact with the STATRAT-team: