Webrelaunch 2020

Queueing Systems & Networks

  1. (with Engelhardt-Funke, O. and Kolonko, M.) On the waiting time of arriving aircrafts and the capacity of airports with one or two runways. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(2), 1180-1196, 2007 pdf
  2. Queueing Systems. In Optimization and Operations Research, edited by Ulrich Derigs, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), EOLSS Publishers Oxford UK, 2002, 883-893
  3. (with Houdek, A.) Bounds and performance limits of channel assignment policies in cellular networks. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 16, 85-100, 2002.
  4. Optimal control of queueing networks: an approach via fluid models. Advances in Applied Probability 34, 313-328, 2002.pdf
  5. On positive Harris recurrence of stochastic fluid networks. Stochastic Models 17, 391-406, 2001.
  6. (with Stidham, S.) Conservation laws for single-server fluid networks. Queueing Systems - Theory and Applications 38, 185-194, 2001.
  7. Asymptotic optimality of Tracking-policies in stochastic networks. Annals of Applied Probability, 10, 1065-1083, 2000. ps
  8. (with Rieder, U.) Optimal control of single-server fluid networks. Queueing Systems - Theory and Applications, 35, 185-200, 2000. ps