Dr. Bruno Ebner
Dienstag 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung
Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
0721 608 47636
0721 608 46066
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Stochastik
Englerstr. 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Semester | Titel | Typ |
Wintersemester 2024/25 | Statistik für Studierende der Biologie | Vorlesung |
Rechnergestützte Übungen zur Statistik für Studierende der Biologie (Modul 15) | Vorlesung | |
Steinsche Methode mit Statistischen Anwendungen | Vorlesung | |
Sommersemester 2024 | Statistical Learning | Vorlesung |
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik für die Fachrichtung Maschinenbau | Vorlesung | |
Wintersemester 2023/24 | Functional Data Analysis | Vorlesung |
Proseminar (Kombinatorik) | Proseminar | |
Sommersemester 2023 | Zeitreihenanalyse | Vorlesung |
Generalisierte Regressionsmodelle | Vorlesung | |
Seminar (Statistik) | Seminar |
- Asymptotische Statistik
- Anpassungstests
- Stochastische Prozesse in Banachräumen
- Statistiken von Punktprozessen
- Charakterisierungen von Verteilungen
- Stein Operatoren
- Direktionale Daten
- Ebner, B., Garcia-Portugués, E., Verdebout, T. (2025) "High-dimensional Sobolev tests on hyperspheres", arXiv:2501.10898 Link
- Ebner, B., Jiménez-Gamero, M. D., Milošević, B. (2024) "Eigenvalues approximation of integral covariance operators with applications to weighted
statistics", arXiv:2408.08064 Link
- Cuparić, M., Ebner, B., Milošević, B. (2024) "A new flexible class of kernel-based tests of independence", arXiv:2401.11540 Link
- Ebner, B., Fischer, A., Gaunt, R. E., Picker, B., Swan, Y. (2023) "Point estimation through Stein's method", arXiv:2305.19031 Link
- Dobler, D., Ebner, B. (2023) "Is the Gompertz family a good fit to your data?", arXiv:2302.01639 Link
- Borodavka, J., Ebner, B. (2023) "A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere", arXiv:2301.03482 Link
- Ebner, B., Swan, Y. (2024). Independent Additive Weighted Bias Distributions and Associated Goodness-of-Fit Tests. In: Barigozzi, M., Hörmann, S., Paindaveine, D. (eds) Recent Advances in Econometrics and Statistics. Springer, Cham. Link,ArXiv
- Ebner, B., Eid, L., Klar, B. (2024) "Cauchy or not Cauchy? New goodness-of-fit tests for the Cauchy distribution", Statistical Papers, 65(1): 45-78 Open Access
- Ebner, B., Henze, N., Meintanis, S. (2024) "A unified approach to goodness-of-fit testing for spherical and hyperspherical data", Statistical Papers, 65(6):3447–3475 Open Access
- Allison, J. S., Ebner, B., Smuts, M. (2023) "Logistic or not logistic?", Statistica Neerlandica, 77: 429–443. Link,ArXiv
- Ebner, B., Fischer, A., Henze, N., Mayer, C. (2023) "Goodness‑of‑fit tests for the Weibull distribution based on the Laplace transform and Stein’s method", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 75: 1011–1038 Link,ArXiv
- Ebner, B. (2023) "The test of exponentiality based on the mean residual life function revisited", Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 35(3): 601-621 Link,ArXiv
- Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2023) "On the eigenvalues associated with the limit null distribution of the Epps-Pulley test of normality", Statistical Papers, 64(3): 739–752 Open Access
- Anastasiou, A., Barp, A., Briol, F.-X., Ebner, B., Gaunt, R.E., Ghaderinezhad, F., Gorham, J., Gretton, A., Ley, C., Liu, Q., Mackey, L., Oates, C.J., Reinert, G., Swan, Y. (2023) "Stein's Method Meets Computational Statistics: A Review of Some Recent Developments", Statistical Science, 38(1): 120-139 Link
- Ebner, B., Liebenberg, S., Visagie, J. (2022) "A new omnibus test of fit based on a characterisation of the uniform distribution", Statistics, 56(6): 1364-1384 Link
- Ebner, B., Henze, N., Strieder, D. (2022) "Testing normality in any dimension by Fourier methods in a multivariate Stein equation", The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 50(3): 992-1033 Open Access
- Betsch, S., Ebner, B., Nestmann, F. (2022) "Characterizations of non-normalized discrete probability distributions and their application in statistics", Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(1): 1303-1329 Open Access
- Allison, J.S., Betsch, S., Ebner, B., Visagie, I.J.H. (2022) "On Testing the Adequacy of the Inverse Gaussian Distribution", Mathematics, 10(3), 350 Open Access
- Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2021) "Bahadur efficiencies of the Epps--Pulley test for normality", Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI) 501, Veroyatnostʹ i Statistika. 30, 302–314 Link
- Dörr, P., Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2021) "Testing multivariate normality by zeros of the harmonic oscillator in characteristic function spaces", Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Volume 48: 456-501. DOI
- Betsch, S., Ebner, B., Klar, B. (2021) "Minimum
-distance estimators for non-normalized parametric models", The Canadian Journal of Statistics, Volume 49(2): 514–548. Open Access
- Dörr, P., Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2021) "A new test of multivariate normality by a double estimation in a characterizing PDE", Metrika, 84(3), 401-427.Open Access
- Ebner, B. (2021) "On combining the zero bias transform and the empirical characteristic function to test normality", ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 18, 1029–1045 Open Access
- Betsch, S., Ebner, B. (2021) "Fixed point characterizations of continuous univariate probability distributions and their applications", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 73: 31–59, Online First.
- Ebner, B., Liebenberg, S.C. (2021) "On a new test of fit to the beta distribution", Stat, 10:e341 Open Access
- Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2020) "Tests for multivariate normality -- a critical review with emphasis on weighted
-statistics", TEST, Volume 29: 845–892 Open Access and the rejoinder of the discussion.
- Ebner, B., Nestmann, F., Schulte, M. (2020) "Testing multivariate uniformity based on random geometric graphs", Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14(2): 4273-4320 Open Access.
- Betsch, S., Ebner, B. (2020) "Testing normality via a distributional fixed point property in the Stein characterization", TEST, Volume 29(1), 105–138 Online First.
- Betsch, S., Ebner, B. (2019) "A new characterization of the Gamma distribution and associated goodness of fit tests", Metrika, Volume 82(7), 779-806 Link.
- Ebner, B., Henze, N., Klatt, M.A., Mecke, K. (2018) "Goodness-of-fit tests for complete spatial randomness based on Minkowski functionals of binary images", Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2873-2904 Link.
- Ebner, B., Henze, N., Yukich J.E. (2018) "Multivariate goodness-of-fit on flat and curved spaces via nearest neighbor distances", Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 165, p. 231-242, Link.
- Ebner, B., Klar, B., Meintanis, S.G. (2018) "Fourier Inference for Stochastic Volatility Models with Heavy-Tailed Innovations", Statistical Papers, Volume 59(3), 1043-1060, DOI:10.1007/s00362-016-0803-6.
- Baringhaus, L., Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2017) "The Limit Distribution of weighted
-Goodness-of-Fit Statistics under fixed Alternatives, with Applications", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 69(5), 969–995. Link
- Ebner, B., Folkers, M., Haase, D. (2016) "Vorbereitende und begleitende Angebote in der Grundlehre Mathematik für die Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften". in: Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Studieneingangsphase, hrsg. v. Hoppenbrock, A., Biehler, R., Hochmuth, R., Rück, H.-G., Konzepte und Studien zur Hochschuldidaktik und Lehrerbildung Mathematik, Bd. 4, Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum, S. 149 – 164. Link
- Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2016) "Runs in Bernoulli-Ketten", Stochastik in der Schule, 36, 3, S. 20–26. Link
- Ebner, B., Henze, N., Parthasarathy, P.R. (2013) "Ramanujan Theta Functions and Birth and Death Processes". Statistics & Probability Letters, Band 83(12), S. 2647–2655. Link
- Ebner, B. (2012) "Asymptotic Theory for the Test on Multivariate Normality by Cox and Small". Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Band 111, S. 368–379. Link
- Henze, N., Meintanis, S.G., Ebner, B. (2012) "Goodness-of-fit tests for the Gamma distribution based on the empirical Laplace transform". Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Band 41(9), S. 1543-1556. Link
- Ebner, B. (2010). "Zur Asymptotik eines mit quadratischen Abhängigkeiten operierenden Tests auf multivariate Normalverteilung". Dissertation, KIT Scientific Publishing. Link
- Henze, N., Nikitin, Y., Ebner, B. (2009). "Integral distribution-free statistics of
-type and their asymptotic comparison". Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Band 53(9), S. 3426-3438. Link
- Ebner, B., Folkers, M. (2007). "Mit Mathematik unterschreiben: Ein Vorschlag für den Schulunterricht". Realitätsnaher Mathematikunterricht - vom Fach aus und für die Praxis, Franzbecker, S. 24-37.
Sonstige Veröffentlichungen
- Ebner, B., Folkers, M. (2013). "Vorkurs Mathematik für die Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften", ILIAS Plattform des KIT Link.
- Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2013). "2013: Internationales Jahr der Statistik", Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 212-217. Link.
- Ebner, B., Folkers, M. (2013). "Ein Blended Learning Vorkurs Mathematik für die Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)", khdm Report, Nr. 1. Link.
R Pakete
- Allison, J., Betsch, S., Ebner, B., Visagie, J. (2024). gofIG: Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Inverse Gaussian Distribution. R package version 1.0. Link.
- Butsch, L., Ebner, B. (2020) mnt: Affine Invariant Tests of Multivariate Normality. R package version 1.3. Link.
- Betsch, S., Butsch, L., Ebner, B. (2020) gofgamma: Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Gamma Distribution. R package version 1.0. Link.
Vorträge auf Konferenzen/Arbeitsgemeinschaften
- StatMod (2024) Belgrad: Eigenvalues approximation of integral covariance operators with applications to weighted
- 11th Bernoulli-ims world congress (2024) Bochum: A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere
- Stein's Method and Networks (2024) Oxford: On a new resampling method for unimodality testing via the empirical zero bias transform
- ICSTMA (2024) Nsukka (online): A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere
- Probability and Statistics Seminar (2023) Luxemburg: On goodness-of-fit tests for families of distributions based on Stein's method
- Statcon (2023) Kapstadt - Workshop: Directional Data Analysis
- 6th GOFCP Workshop (2023) Skukuza: On testing randomness of binary images with applications
- CMStatistics (2022) London: On approximating eigenvalues of covariance operators with applications to goodness-of-fit tests
- Seminar ULB (2022) Brüssel: On weighted
-type statistics, asymptotics and the related Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator
- 5th GOFCP Workshop (2022) ENSAI Rennes: A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere
- CMStatistics (2021) London - online: On testing randomness of binary images.
- CMStatistics (2020) London - online: On Stein operators in testing the fit to parametric families of distributions.
- Statcon (2020) On-line Workshop: Stein characterizations in distributional model checks.
- Seminar ULB (2020) Brüssel: On some new characterizations of univariate distributions via fixed points of distributional transforms with application in goodness of fit testing problems.
- CMStatistics (2019) London: New tests of multivariate normality by a characterizing property of the Hermite operator.
- Cronos (2019) Limassol: Resampling under unimodality via the empirical zero bias transform.
- SASA Eastern Cape Chapter meeting (2019) Port Elizabeth: Analyzing point patterns by a threshold transformation to binary images.
- Workshop (2019) Stellenbosch: Asymptotic Stochastics.
- Seminar (2018) Pretoria: New Characterizations of Distributions by Fixed Points of Transformations and Applications to Goodness-of-Fit Testing.
- IWS (2018) Barcelona: Goodness of Fit Testing via fixed points of distributional transforms.
- GPSRS (2017) Bad Herrenalb: Goodness-of-fit tests for complete spatial randomness based on Minkowski functionals of binary images.
- Oberseminar (2017) Magdeburg: New goodness-of-fit tests for uniformity and complete spatial randomness based on local dependency.
- Mathematisches Kolloquium (2016) Ulm: Anpassungstests für vollständige räumliche Zufälligkeit basierend auf lokalen Abhängigkeiten in Punktmustern.
- GPSD (2016) Bochum: Goodness-of-fit tests for complete spatial randomness based on Minkowski functionals.
- Statistics seminar (2015) ULB Brüssel: New goodness-of-fit tests for Poisson point processes based on Minkowski functionals.
- ERCIM (2013) London: Fourier inference for stochastic volatility models with heavy-tailed innovations.
- 2. Khdm Arbeitstagung (2013) Paderborn: Ein Blended Learning Vorkurs Mathematik für die Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).
- GPSD (2012) Mainz: Asymptotics for a goodness-of-fit test for multivariate normality operating with quadratic dependencies.