Webrelaunch 2020

Dr. Bruno Ebner

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Institut für Stochastik
    Englerstr. 2
    76131 Karlsruhe


  1. Asymptotische Statistik
  2. Anpassungstests
  3. Stochastische Prozesse in Banachräumen
  4. Statistiken von Punktprozessen
  5. Charakterisierungen von Verteilungen
  6. Stein Operatoren
  7. Direktionale Daten


  1. Ebner, B., Garcia-Portugués, E., Verdebout, T. (2025) "High-dimensional Sobolev tests on hyperspheres", arXiv:2501.10898 Link
  2. Ebner, B., Jiménez-Gamero, M. D., Milošević, B. (2024) "Eigenvalues approximation of integral covariance operators with applications to weighted L^2 statistics", arXiv:2408.08064 Link
  3. Cuparić, M., Ebner, B., Milošević, B. (2024) "A new flexible class of kernel-based tests of independence", arXiv:2401.11540 Link
  4. Ebner, B., Fischer, A., Gaunt, R. E., Picker, B., Swan, Y. (2023) "Point estimation through Stein's method", arXiv:2305.19031 Link
  5. Dobler, D., Ebner, B. (2023) "Is the Gompertz family a good fit to your data?", arXiv:2302.01639 Link
  6. Borodavka, J., Ebner, B. (2023) "A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere", arXiv:2301.03482 Link


  1. Ebner, B., Swan, Y. (2024). Independent Additive Weighted Bias Distributions and Associated Goodness-of-Fit Tests. In: Barigozzi, M., Hörmann, S., Paindaveine, D. (eds) Recent Advances in Econometrics and Statistics. Springer, Cham. Link,ArXiv
  2. Ebner, B., Eid, L., Klar, B. (2024) "Cauchy or not Cauchy? New goodness-of-fit tests for the Cauchy distribution", Statistical Papers, 65(1): 45-78 Open Access
  3. Ebner, B., Henze, N., Meintanis, S. (2024) "A unified approach to goodness-of-fit testing for spherical and hyperspherical data", Statistical Papers, 65(6):3447–3475 Open Access
  4. Allison, J. S., Ebner, B., Smuts, M. (2023) "Logistic or not logistic?", Statistica Neerlandica, 77: 429–443. Link,ArXiv
  5. Ebner, B., Fischer, A., Henze, N., Mayer, C. (2023) "Goodness‑of‑fit tests for the Weibull distribution based on the Laplace transform and Stein’s method", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 75: 1011–1038 Link,ArXiv
  6. Ebner, B. (2023) "The test of exponentiality based on the mean residual life function revisited", Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 35(3): 601-621 Link,ArXiv
  7. Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2023) "On the eigenvalues associated with the limit null distribution of the Epps-Pulley test of normality", Statistical Papers, 64(3): 739–752 Open Access
  8. Anastasiou, A., Barp, A., Briol, F.-X., Ebner, B., Gaunt, R.E., Ghaderinezhad, F., Gorham, J., Gretton, A., Ley, C., Liu, Q., Mackey, L., Oates, C.J., Reinert, G., Swan, Y. (2023) "Stein's Method Meets Computational Statistics: A Review of Some Recent Developments", Statistical Science, 38(1): 120-139 Link
  9. Ebner, B., Liebenberg, S., Visagie, J. (2022) "A new omnibus test of fit based on a characterisation of the uniform distribution", Statistics, 56(6): 1364-1384 Link
  10. Ebner, B., Henze, N., Strieder, D. (2022) "Testing normality in any dimension by Fourier methods in a multivariate Stein equation", The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 50(3): 992-1033 Open Access
  11. Betsch, S., Ebner, B., Nestmann, F. (2022) "Characterizations of non-normalized discrete probability distributions and their application in statistics", Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16(1): 1303-1329 Open Access
  12. Allison, J.S., Betsch, S., Ebner, B., Visagie, I.J.H. (2022) "On Testing the Adequacy of the Inverse Gaussian Distribution", Mathematics, 10(3), 350 Open Access
  13. Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2021) "Bahadur efficiencies of the Epps--Pulley test for normality", Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI) 501, Veroyatnostʹ i Statistika. 30, 302–314 Link
  14. Dörr, P., Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2021) "Testing multivariate normality by zeros of the harmonic oscillator in characteristic function spaces", Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Volume 48: 456-501. DOI
  15. Betsch, S., Ebner, B., Klar, B. (2021) "Minimum L^q-distance estimators for non-normalized parametric models", The Canadian Journal of Statistics, Volume 49(2): 514–548. Open Access
  16. Dörr, P., Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2021) "A new test of multivariate normality by a double estimation in a characterizing PDE", Metrika, 84(3), 401-427.Open Access
  17. Ebner, B. (2021) "On combining the zero bias transform and the empirical characteristic function to test normality", ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 18, 1029–1045 Open Access
  18. Betsch, S., Ebner, B. (2021) "Fixed point characterizations of continuous univariate probability distributions and their applications", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 73: 31–59, Online First.
  19. Ebner, B., Liebenberg, S.C. (2021) "On a new test of fit to the beta distribution", Stat, 10:e341 Open Access
  20. Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2020) "Tests for multivariate normality -- a critical review with emphasis on weighted L^2-statistics", TEST, Volume 29: 845–892 Open Access and the rejoinder of the discussion.
  21. Ebner, B., Nestmann, F., Schulte, M. (2020) "Testing multivariate uniformity based on random geometric graphs", Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14(2): 4273-4320 Open Access.
  22. Betsch, S., Ebner, B. (2020) "Testing normality via a distributional fixed point property in the Stein characterization", TEST, Volume 29(1), 105–138 Online First.
  23. Betsch, S., Ebner, B. (2019) "A new characterization of the Gamma distribution and associated goodness of fit tests", Metrika, Volume 82(7), 779-806 Link.
  24. Ebner, B., Henze, N., Klatt, M.A., Mecke, K. (2018) "Goodness-of-fit tests for complete spatial randomness based on Minkowski functionals of binary images", Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2873-2904 Link.
  25. Ebner, B., Henze, N., Yukich J.E. (2018) "Multivariate goodness-of-fit on flat and curved spaces via nearest neighbor distances", Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 165, p. 231-242, Link.
  26. Ebner, B., Klar, B., Meintanis, S.G. (2018) "Fourier Inference for Stochastic Volatility Models with Heavy-Tailed Innovations", Statistical Papers, Volume 59(3), 1043-1060, DOI:10.1007/s00362-016-0803-6.
  27. Baringhaus, L., Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2017) "The Limit Distribution of weighted L^2-Goodness-of-Fit Statistics under fixed Alternatives, with Applications", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 69(5), 969–995. Link
  28. Ebner, B., Folkers, M., Haase, D. (2016) "Vorbereitende und begleitende Angebote in der Grundlehre Mathematik für die Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften". in: Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik in der Studieneingangsphase, hrsg. v. Hoppenbrock, A., Biehler, R., Hochmuth, R., Rück, H.-G., Konzepte und Studien zur Hochschuldidaktik und Lehrerbildung Mathematik, Bd. 4, Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum, S. 149 – 164. Link
  29. Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2016) "Runs in Bernoulli-Ketten", Stochastik in der Schule, 36, 3, S. 20–26. Link
  30. Ebner, B., Henze, N., Parthasarathy, P.R. (2013) "Ramanujan Theta Functions and Birth and Death Processes". Statistics & Probability Letters, Band 83(12), S. 2647–2655. Link
  31. Ebner, B. (2012) "Asymptotic Theory for the Test on Multivariate Normality by Cox and Small". Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Band 111, S. 368–379. Link
  32. Henze, N., Meintanis, S.G., Ebner, B. (2012) "Goodness-of-fit tests for the Gamma distribution based on the empirical Laplace transform". Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Band 41(9), S. 1543-1556. Link
  33. Ebner, B. (2010). "Zur Asymptotik eines mit quadratischen Abhängigkeiten operierenden Tests auf multivariate Normalverteilung". Dissertation, KIT Scientific Publishing. Link
  34. Henze, N., Nikitin, Y., Ebner, B. (2009). "Integral distribution-free statistics of L_p-type and their asymptotic comparison". Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Band 53(9), S. 3426-3438. Link
  35. Ebner, B., Folkers, M. (2007). "Mit Mathematik unterschreiben: Ein Vorschlag für den Schulunterricht". Realitätsnaher Mathematikunterricht - vom Fach aus und für die Praxis, Franzbecker, S. 24-37.

Sonstige Veröffentlichungen

  1. Ebner, B., Folkers, M. (2013). "Vorkurs Mathematik für die Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften", ILIAS Plattform des KIT Link.
  2. Ebner, B., Henze, N. (2013). "2013: Internationales Jahr der Statistik", Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 212-217. Link.
  3. Ebner, B., Folkers, M. (2013). "Ein Blended Learning Vorkurs Mathematik für die Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)", khdm Report, Nr. 1. Link.

R Pakete

  1. Allison, J., Betsch, S., Ebner, B., Visagie, J. (2024). gofIG: Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Inverse Gaussian Distribution. R package version 1.0. Link.
  2. Butsch, L., Ebner, B. (2020) mnt: Affine Invariant Tests of Multivariate Normality. R package version 1.3. Link.
  3. Betsch, S., Butsch, L., Ebner, B. (2020) gofgamma: Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Gamma Distribution. R package version 1.0. Link.

Vorträge auf Konferenzen/Arbeitsgemeinschaften

  1. StatMod (2024) Belgrad: Eigenvalues approximation of integral covariance operators with applications to weighted L^2 statistics
  2. 11th Bernoulli-ims world congress (2024) Bochum: A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere
  3. Stein's Method and Networks (2024) Oxford: On a new resampling method for unimodality testing via the empirical zero bias transform
  4. ICSTMA (2024) Nsukka (online): A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere
  5. Probability and Statistics Seminar (2023) Luxemburg: On goodness-of-fit tests for families of distributions based on Stein's method
  6. Statcon (2023) Kapstadt - Workshop: Directional Data Analysis
  7. 6th GOFCP Workshop (2023) Skukuza: On testing randomness of binary images with applications
  8. CMStatistics (2022) London: On approximating eigenvalues of covariance operators with applications to goodness-of-fit tests
  9. Seminar ULB (2022) Brüssel: On weighted L^2-type statistics, asymptotics and the related Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator
  10. 5th GOFCP Workshop (2022) ENSAI Rennes: A general maximal projection approach to uniformity testing on the hypersphere
  11. CMStatistics (2021) London - online: On testing randomness of binary images.
  12. CMStatistics (2020) London - online: On Stein operators in testing the fit to parametric families of distributions.
  13. Statcon (2020) On-line Workshop: Stein characterizations in distributional model checks.
  14. Seminar ULB (2020) Brüssel: On some new characterizations of univariate distributions via fixed points of distributional transforms with application in goodness of fit testing problems.
  15. CMStatistics (2019) London: New tests of multivariate normality by a characterizing property of the Hermite operator.
  16. Cronos (2019) Limassol: Resampling under unimodality via the empirical zero bias transform.
  17. SASA Eastern Cape Chapter meeting (2019) Port Elizabeth: Analyzing point patterns by a threshold transformation to binary images.
  18. Workshop (2019) Stellenbosch: Asymptotic Stochastics.
  19. Seminar (2018) Pretoria: New Characterizations of Distributions by Fixed Points of Transformations and Applications to Goodness-of-Fit Testing.
  20. IWS (2018) Barcelona: Goodness of Fit Testing via fixed points of distributional transforms.
  21. GPSRS (2017) Bad Herrenalb: Goodness-of-fit tests for complete spatial randomness based on Minkowski functionals of binary images.
  22. Oberseminar (2017) Magdeburg: New goodness-of-fit tests for uniformity and complete spatial randomness based on local dependency.
  23. Mathematisches Kolloquium (2016) Ulm: Anpassungstests für vollständige räumliche Zufälligkeit basierend auf lokalen Abhängigkeiten in Punktmustern.
  24. GPSD (2016) Bochum: Goodness-of-fit tests for complete spatial randomness based on Minkowski functionals.
  25. Statistics seminar (2015) ULB Brüssel: New goodness-of-fit tests for Poisson point processes based on Minkowski functionals.
  26. ERCIM (2013) London: Fourier inference for stochastic volatility models with heavy-tailed innovations.
  27. 2. Khdm Arbeitstagung (2013) Paderborn: Ein Blended Learning Vorkurs Mathematik für die Fachrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaften am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).
  28. GPSD (2012) Mainz: Asymptotics for a goodness-of-fit test for multivariate normality operating with quadratic dependencies.