Webrelaunch 2020
Foto von Dr. Lea Schenk

Dr. Lea Schenk

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Institut für Stochastik
    Englerstraße 2
    76131 Karlsruhe



  • Fasen-Hartmann, V. und Schenk, L. (2024): Mixed orthogonality graphs for continuous-time stationary processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. doi.org/10.1016/j.spa.2024.104501


  • Fasen-Hartmann, V. und Schenk, L. (2024): Partial correlation graphs for continuous-parameter time series. Preprint. doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.16970
  • Fasen-Hartmann, V. und Schenk, L. (2023): Mixed orthogonality graphs for continuous-time state space models and orthogonal projections. Preprint. doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2311.04478


  • GPSD (2023), Essen, Vortrag: Path diagrams for multivariate stochastic processes in continuous time.
  • IMS Annual Meeting (2022), London, Vortrag: Path diagrams for multivariate stochastic processes in continuous time.


  • DMW-Fortbildungstagung (2023), Karlsruhe, Mitorganisation und Workshop: Dynamische Aktivitäten mit GeoGebra gestalten.
  • DMW-Fortbildungstagung (2020), Karlsruhe, Workshop: GeoGebra in Schule und Studium.
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