On the Boone--Higman Conjecture for groups acting on locally finite trees, with Kai-Uwe Bux and Xiaolei Wu, 28 pages, arXiv:2408.05673.
Dehn functions of subgroups of products of free groups: 3-factor case, Fn-1 case, and Bridson-Dison group, with Dario Ascari, Federica Bertolotti, Giovanni Italiano and Matteo Migliorini, 77 pages, arXiv:2406.19860.
From the second BNSR invariant to Dehn functions of coabelian subgroups, 14 pages, arXiv:2404.12334.
On the Dehn functions of central products of nilpotent groups, with Jerónimo García-Mejía and Gabriel Pallier, 56 pages, arXiv:2310.11144.
Groups with exotic finiteness properties from complex Morse theory, with Pierre Py, 23 pages, arXiv:2310.04073.
Finitely presented kernels of homomorphisms from hyperbolic groups onto free abelian groups, with Robert Kropholler, 15 pages, arXiv:2309.03794, to appear in International Mathematics Research Notices.
Subgroups of hyperbolic groups, finiteness properties and complex hyperbolic lattices, with Pierre Py, (2023) 22 pages, Inventiones Mathematicae, vol. 235 (2024), pp.233-254 doi ([arXiv]).
Hyperbolic groups containing subgroups of type F3 not F4, with Bruno Martelli and Pierre Py, 24 pages, arXiv:2112.06531, to appear in the Journal of Differential Geometry.
Complex hypersurfaces in a direct product of Riemann surfaces, 16 pages, arXiv:1806.02357, to appear in Algebraic & Geometric Topology.
Cone-equivalent nilpotent groups with different Dehn functions, with Gabriel Pallier and Romain Tessera, 64 pages, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 126(2):704-789, 2023 [doi] ([arXiv]).
Dehn functions of coabelian subgroups of direct products of groups, with Robert Kropholler, 24 pages, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 107(1):123-152, 2023 [doi] ([arXiv]).
Mapping class groups, multiple Kodaira fibrations, and CAT(0) spaces, with Pierre Py, Math. Ann., vol. 380 (2021), no. 1-2, 449-485 ([doi], [arXiv]).
Residually free groups do not admit a uniform polynomial isoperimetric function, with Romain Tessera, Proceedings of the AMS vol. 148 (2020), no. 10, 4203–4212 [pdf] ([arXiv]).
Kähler groups and subdirect products of surface groups, Geometry & Topology 24 (2020), no. 2, 971–1017 [pdf] ([arXiv]).
On the Dehn functions of Kähler groups, with Romain Tessera, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, Vol. 14 (2020), No. 2, pp. 469-488 [pdf] ([arXiv]).
Kodaira fibrations, Kähler groups, and finiteness properties , with Martin R. Bridson, Transactions of the AMS vol. 372 (2019), no.8, pp. 5869-5890 [pdf] ([arXiv]).
Branched covers of elliptic curves and Kähler groups with exotic finiteness properties, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Vol. 69 (2019), no.1 , pp. 335-363 [pdf] ([arXiv]).
Finite presentations for Kähler groups with arbitrary finiteness properties, Journal of Algebra vol. 476 (2017), pp. 344-367 [pdf] ([arXiv]).
Other work containing original research
Kähler groups and Geometric Group Theory (September 2017), [pdf] (On the Oxford University Research Arxiv: [ORA]) PhD thesis, University of Oxford, 206 pages, Advisor: Prof. Martin R. Bridson.
Volumes of representations of 3-manifold groups, Master thesis (September 2013), University of Munich, 81 pages Advisor: Prof. Dieter Kotschick.
On the local normal form of J-convex functions on almost complex manifoldsBachelor thesis (July 2011), University of Munich, 40 pages, in German (with an English preface), Advisor: Prof. Kai Cielibak.
Expository papers and extended abstracts
Subgroups of hyperbolic groups of type F3 and not F4, Extended Abstract, Oberwolfach Report 11/2022, pp. 539-542 [Link].