Webrelaunch 2020

Teaching Winter 21/22

On this page you can find a directory of classes for the winter semester 2021/22 offered by the Department of Mathematics.

Vorlesungen für Studierende der Mathematik (Aufbaumodule im Bachelor, Hauptstudium Lehramt, Mastermodule)
No. Type Title Lecturer
0102200 Lecture Herrlich
0102210 Problem class Herrlich
0104500 Lecture Axenovich
0104510 Problem class Weber
0104600 Lecture Mandel
0104605 Problem class Mandel
0104800 Lecture Plum
0104810 Problem class Plum
0105000 Lecture Schnaubelt
0105100 Lecture Rieder
0105110 Problem class Rieder
0105300 Lecture Lamm
0105310 Problem class Lamm
0105600 Lecture Last
0105610 Problem class Last
0105700 Lecture Arens
0105710 Problem class Arens
0105750 Lecture Trabs
0105760 Problem class Trabs
0106000 Lecture Hartnick
0106010 Problem class Hartnick
0106200 Lecture Liao
0106210 Problem class Liao
0106700 Lecture Sun
0106800 Lecture Klar
0106900 Problem class Klar
0106910 Laboratory Klar
0107000 Lecture Verfürth
0108200 Lecture Sauer
0108210 Problem class Sauer
0108400 Lecture Bäuerle
0108500 Problem class Bäuerle
0108600 Lecture Dörich
0108610 Problem class Dörich
0108900 Lecture Zillinger
0109400 Lecture Thäter
0109410 Problem class Thäter
0110300 Lecture Dörfler
0110310 Problem class Dörfler
0110500 Lecture Schnaubelt
0110700 Lecture Jahnke
0110800 Problem class Jahnke
0118000 Lecture Fasen-Hartmann
0118100 Problem class Fasen-Hartmann
0122150 Lecture Sauer
0163500 Lecture Hundertmark
0163510 Problem class Bitter
2400138 Lecture Anzt
2400140 Problem class Anzt

Seminare, Arbeitsgruppen, Kolloquien
No. Type Title Lecturer
0102650 Seminar Gneiting
0120020 Seminar Hug
0120300 Proseminar Bäuerle
0120600 Seminar Schnaubelt
0121300 Seminar Axenovich
Neal Riasanovsky
0121350 Seminar Axenovich
0121600 Hartnick
0121630 Proseminar Hug
0122000 Seminar Weiß
0122200 Seminar Leuzinger
0123300 Proseminar Plum
0123550 Seminar Liao
0123600 Seminar Lamm
0123800 Seminar Frey
0124200 Seminar Fasen-Hartmann
0124500 Proseminar Weiß
0124600 Lecture Herzog
0124900 Seminar Sauer
0125000 Seminar Griesmaier
0125100 Seminar Lamm
0125400 Seminar Thäter
0125500 Proseminar Lenhardt
0125600 Seminar Sauer
0125900 Seminar Hochbruck
0126400 Seminar Jahnke
0126500 Seminar Hochbruck
0126700 Seminar Leuzinger
Llosa Isenrich
0127000 Seminar Hartnick
0127100 Seminar Hundertmark
0127200 Seminar Bäuerle
0127300 Seminar Liao
0127500 Seminar Hug
0128600 Seminar Wieners
0128900 Seminar Grund
0128940 Seminar Lenhardt
0129600 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Seminar
0129700 Seminar
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0129900 Seminar Jahnke
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
1268 Seminar Arens

Veranstaltungen für Studierende des Lehramts
No. Type Title Lecturer
0100900 Lecture Spitzmüller
0100910 Problem class Lenhardt
0110900 Seminar Lenhardt
0110910 Lecture Lenhardt
0128900 Seminar Grund
0128940 Seminar Lenhardt
0128950 Spitzmüller
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Seminar
0129700 Seminar
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0129700 Colloquium
0162700 Lecture Grimm
0162800 Problem class Grimm
0162900 Laboratory Grimm
0172400 Seminar Lenhardt
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0177600 Colloquium
0181800 Lecture Neher

Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des Internationalen Programms
No. Type Title Lecturer
0102650 Seminar Gneiting
0104500 Lecture Axenovich
0104510 Problem class Weber
0105300 Lecture Lamm
0105310 Problem class Lamm
0105750 Lecture Trabs
0105760 Problem class Trabs
0106000 Lecture Hartnick
0106010 Problem class Hartnick
0106200 Lecture Liao
0106210 Problem class Liao
0106700 Lecture Sun
0107000 Lecture Verfürth
0108600 Lecture Dörich
0108610 Problem class Dörich
0108900 Lecture Zillinger
0109400 Lecture Thäter
0109410 Problem class Thäter
0110300 Lecture Dörfler
0110310 Problem class Dörfler
0118000 Lecture Fasen-Hartmann
0118100 Problem class Fasen-Hartmann
0121300 Seminar Axenovich
Neal Riasanovsky
0126400 Seminar Jahnke
0163500 Lecture Hundertmark
0163510 Problem class Bitter

Service-Veranstaltungen für Studierende anderer Fakultäten
No. Type Title Lecturer
0100000 Lecture Hettlich
0101100 Lecture Krause
0101200 Problem class Krause
0101300 Laboratory Krause
0110900 Seminar Lenhardt
0110910 Lecture Lenhardt
0125400 Seminar Thäter
0130000 Lecture Anapolitanos
0130100 Problem class Anapolitanos
0130200 Lecture Schmoeger
0130300 Problem class Schmoeger
0130400 Lecture Kunstmann
0130500 Problem class Kunstmann
0130600 Lecture Kunstmann
0130700 Problem class Kunstmann
0131000 Lecture Griesmaier
0131100 Problem class Griesmaier
0131200 Lecture Griesmaier
0131300 Problem class Griesmaier
0131400 Lecture Hettlich
0131500 Problem class Hettlich
0131900 Lecture Neher
0132000 Laboratory Neher
0132100 Problem class Neher
0132200 Lecture Grimm
0132300 Problem class Grimm
0133000 Lecture Herzog
0133100 Problem class Herzog
0133200 Lecture Link
0133300 Problem class Link
0133500 Lecture Trabs
0133600 Problem class Trabs
0134000 Lecture Dahmen
0134100 Problem class
0135000 Lecture Nestmann
0135100 Problem class Nestmann
0135200 Lecture Winter
0135300 Problem class Winter
0136000 Lecture Wieners
0136100 Problem class Wieners
0137000 Lecture Mayer
0137100 Problem class Mayer
0137200 Lecture Mayer
0140000 Lecture Kühnlein
0140100 Problem class Kühnlein
0160000 Lecture Zhang
0170000 Problem class Zhang