Webrelaunch 2020

Courses for other faculties

The department of mathematics offers education in mathematics for students of all departments. The responsibility for these courses is divided among various research groups.
Informations for each module can be found at the following sites:

Advanced Mathematics for Electrical / Information Technology and Physics
Numerical Methods for Electrical Technology, Meteorology, Geodesy, Geoinformatics
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering
Probability Theory and Statistics for Mechanical Engineering
Mathematics for Civil Engineering
Advanced Mathematics (Calculus) for Computer Science
Linear Algebra I for Computer Science
Probability Theory and Statistics for Computer Science
Mathematics for Biology and Chemistry
Statistics for Biology
Mathematics for Business Engineering
Mathematics for Information Systems and Digital Economics
Numerical Mathematics for Computer Science and Engineering
Probability and Statistics for Resources Engineering

For some fields of study math preparation courses are offered before the beginning of the winter semester.