Research Focuses
The research is concentrated in three focuses: partial differential equations; geometry, groups and topology; stochastic models. This is complemented by several individual projects.
Partiel Differential Equations
This focus works as well on foundations as on appications in sciences and engineering. This plays a central role in the research topics of KIT.
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The DFG research training group "Analysis, Simulation and Design nanotechnological processes" is part of this research focus.
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Geometry, Groups und Topology
This research focus covers a broard spectrum in mathematical fundamental research in geometry, topology, algebraic geometry, and geometric group theory.
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Stochastische Modelle
This research focus covers many fields in mathematical stochastics including statial stochastics and stochastic geometry (with a coordinated DFG Reseach Group on Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems), statistical model validation, and stochastic processes in finance.
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