Seminars Summer 2024
On the pages linked below you will find the announcements and information regarding preliminary meetings for seminars in the coming summer semester
- Numerik von Differentialgleichungen (Hochbruck/Grimm)
- Schnitttheorie (Herrlich)
- Random graphs, complex networks and tessellations (Hug/Winter)
- Dirac Operators (Liao)
- Fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds (Llosa Isenrich/Migliorini)
- Differential Forms on Smooth Manifolds (Lytchak/Sukhorebska)
- Selected Topics on Finite Elements (Maier)
- Funktionalanalysis und Sobolevräume (Reichel)
- Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (Wieners/Corallo/Schneiderhan)
- Bayes'sche Statistik (Trabs/Steffen)
There is a separate page regarding the organisation of proseminars (available only in German).